Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Settlement reached for dismissal of 8 Brazilian workers at Otsu District Court

On January 11, 2011, a settlement was reached for the firing of eight Brazilian workers at Otsu District Court in Shiga Prefecture, western part of Japan. Although the details cannot be disclosed, the plaintiffs are happy with the settlement. We were moved by a comment made by one of the Brazilian union members at a press conference, “It would have been impossible for us to reach such reconciliation without the assistance of the defense team and the union”. The Brazilian workers have changed considerably in their struggle. Great many temporary and subcontract workers in the manufacturing industry have been fired since the financial crisis in Japan, including Shiga Prefecture. One characteristic in the prefecture is that many of the dismissed are migrant workers like Brazilians. (Idekubo Keiichi, Nakama Union) * Photo: Defense team and plaintiffs at press conference at Otsu District Court, far right

 1月11日、大津地裁でブラジル人労働者8名解雇事件が和解成立しました。内容は公表できませんが、原告は、今回の和解を喜んでいます。記者会見で、「弁護団と組合の協力がなかったら、自分たちだけでは、こんな解決はできなかった」とブラジル人組合員が語っていたのには、感激。彼らも闘いの中で、ずいぶん変わりました。リーマンショック後、製造業の派遣・下請け労働者が大量に解雇されましたが、滋賀県でも同様な事態が発生し、大量の非正規労働者が雇い止め・解雇されました。その多くがブラジル人などの外国人だったことが、滋賀県の特徴でした。(なかまユニオン・井手窪啓一) *写真=大津地裁で会見する弁護団と原告(右端)

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