Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No more nuclear power plant! 12 hundred march to TEPCO head office

On 2pm March 27, a march protesting the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident started from the Mizutani-bashi Park in Ginza, Tokyo. The participants wore colorful costumes and drew attention from the passers-by in Sunday downtown Tokyo. As the parade neared the Tokyo Electric Power Company head office, the anger of the participants, who have anticipated the disaster and warned over and over again, boiled up to its height. “Electricity shortage is a great lie!””Don’t
deregulate the limit of radiation!””Stop all nuclear power plants now!” Strong fists, chants and banners were directed to the main office building of TEPCO. The end point of the parade was Hibiya Park and the public hall in the Park was completely surrounded by the participants. The convener of the parade registered 20 participants to the police, but the final turnout was 12 hundred. The parade was a huge success. (Y)
Cartoon: IchihanahanaMovie: U-tube

3月27日午後2時、東京・銀座の水谷橋公園から、さまざまなコスチュームを身にまとい、力強いデモ行進が出発した。休日の銀座を行く人々の注目度は抜群だ。パレードが東京電力本店前にさしかかると、大事故を予測し、これまで何度も何度も警告を発し続けてきた人々の怒りも、沸騰点に達した。「電力不足は大ウソだ」「被曝の規制値を緩和するな」「すべての原発を今すぐとめろ」。力強いこぶしが、プラカードが、旗が、本店ビルに突きつけられる。解散地点の日比谷公園。デモ隊が入場すると、公会堂横のスペースは瞬く間に参加者で埋まった。主催者がデモ申請した人数はわずか20人。それが最終的には 1200人にふくれあがり、この日の行動
は大きな成功をおさめた。(Y) ・風刺漫画(壱花花)動画(U-Tube)

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