Sunday, May 29, 2011

No Nukes demonstration filling the busy streets of Shibuya - - Abnormal suppression from the police

On May 7th, around 10 thousand people participated in a “Stop the Nuclear Power Plant” march in Shibuya, Tokyo, in a light rain. A previous rally held in Koenji on April 10 was attended mostly by young people, but this time there was more diversity, with more union members and senior participants. Many participants said they appreciated the Prime Minister's decision to stop operation of the Hamaoka nuclear power plant but that we should not slacken the reins. The march started at 3pm and the police came in between the sound truck and the demonstrators. The participants who wanted to walk and dance freely were stunned by the move. They repeatedly demanded that the police back off. Suddenly in the confusion, two protestors were arrested for obstructing police officers near Harajuku station. Despite such harassment, the demonstration was a success, filling the busy streets of Shibuya with live music and chants of “no nukes!” There was good coverage in the mass media including NHK TV news, which reported the no nuke demonstration as feature news for the first time. (M)
Union Tube:,Our Planet TV:,Photo: The demonstration filling the busy streets of Shibuya

5月7日、東京・渋谷で「原発やめろデモ」が行われた。小雨のなか約1万人の人々が集まった。高円寺デモは若者ばかりだったが、今回は労組や年輩者も加わり一層多様な広がりとなった。浜岡原発停止については「評価するが気を緩めてはいけない」という声が多かった。午後3時、デモが始まる。ところが渋谷警察はサウンドデモがよほど嫌いなのか、サウンドカーとデモ隊列の間に警察官を配置して分断してしまった。自由に歩き踊りたい参加者はビックリ。警察に何度も「どいてくれ」と抗議するシーンが続いたが、原宿駅近くで警官と参加者が入り乱れた時に、突然2名が「公務執行妨害罪」で逮捕されてしまった。こうした嫌がらせにもかかわらず、デモは大きな盛り上がりをみせ、渋谷一帯を音楽と「原発反対」のコールで埋め尽くした。NHKも初めてトップニュースで伝えるなど、マスコミにも影響を与えた。(M) 動画(UnionTube 逮捕シーンあり) ・写真報告(Y) ・動画(OurPlanet-TV)*写真=渋谷繁華街を埋め尽くしたデモ隊

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