Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We Will Deliver Fukushima’s Soil to Ministry of Education and Science! ~Parents Stand Up

Some 200 people gathered at a study conference on Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and the disaster titled, “Protect Fukushima’s Children from Radiation!” on April 30. Kazumasa Aoki of a group to think about aging Fukushima Plant, reported on many messages from parents in Fukushima Prefecture regarding the issue on 20 mSv level. “We can see their concerns and anger in the messages,” Aoki said at the conference, held at Tokyo’s Zensuido Kaikan.
Fukushima parents are ready to stand up for their children after they expressed their determination at a rally on May 1 in Fukushima to protect the children from radiation. Representatives from the prefecture were to gather on May 2 to demand that the government, Ministry of Education and Science and Nuclear Safety Agency revise the 20mSv level. “We will deliver soil from Fukushima schools to Ministry of Education and Science on the 2nd,” Seiichi Nakate, photographer and representative of Fukushima conference on reconstruction from the nuclear disaster, said. “We will not return to Fukushima until the government revises the level of radiation.” This is the time we must strive in the nation’s capital is questioned. (By Masanori Yumoto) See report & video on UnionTube.

 4月30日、「福島の子どもたちを放射能から守れ!」福島原発震災連続学習会が東京・全水道会館で開かれ、200人が集まった。集会では青木一政さん(福島老朽原発を考える会)から「20ミリシーベルト問題で、福島県内の保護者から非常に多くの書き込みが寄せられ、そこには、県民の不安と怒りが表れています」という報告があった。福島では5月1日、「福島で子どもたちを放射能から守るための集会」が開催され、いよいよ福島の親がたちあがる。そして、2日には県の代表が上京し、政府、文科省、原子力安全委員会、厚労省に対して「20ミリシーベルト撤回」をかかげ交渉がもたれる。中手聖一さん(写真、原発震災復興・福島会議世話人)は、「2日は福島の学校の土を、文科省に届ける!」「20ミリを撤回させるまで福島に帰らない」とその決意を語った。今こそ、この首都東京での闘いの真価が問われる時だ。(湯本雅典) 報告・動画(UnionTube)

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