Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bill on “Fundamental Ordinance on Education” destroys education! Sit-in in front of Osaka Prefectural Assembly

On December 12, 2011, there was a sit-in against a bill on “Fundamental Ordinance on Education”, which coerces public school teachers to stand up and sing the national anthem “Kimigayo” at school events. Citizens protested against the bill in front of the entrance to the Osaka Prefectural Assembly from 10 AM to 4 PM. On this day, MATSUI Ichiro, the newly elected Osaka Governor, delivered his inaugural speech at the assembly. The demonstrators were appealing against the undemocratic bill while spreading banners and delivering fliers in the bitter winter cold. Even some employees of the Osaka Prefectural Government supported the action. KURODA Yoshihiro, the president of the Hotline Osaka against Hinomaru and Kimigayo (Hinomaru: Japan’s national flag), and a university professor also joined the demonstration. The supporters gave the demonstrators food and some bunches of flowers. This action is the first step toward the abolition of the undemocratic bill. (Tsujitani from Osaka)


12月12日、教育基本条例案抗議の座り込み行動が行われました! 大阪府議会開会中、しかも松井知事の所信表明が行われたこの日、大阪府議会正面玄関前で10時から16時までの6時間、のべ10人の府民が座り込み、教育基本条例案廃案を訴えました。横断幕を張り、道行く人々にマイクで教育基本条例案の本質を訴え、ビラをまき、ときには府職員の支援の言葉までも受けながら、冬空の枯葉舞うなかでの行動でした。日の丸君が代ホットライン大阪事務局の黒田伊彦さんも駆けつけられアピールされました。また、支援者のS大学のSさんも駆けつけてくださいました。支援者からは、おにぎり・中華まん・お菓子の差し入れがあり、なかには「がんばってね」とお花を持って来てくださった人もいました。今回の座り込み行動は条例案廃案に向けての第一波の行動です。(大阪・辻谷)

1 comment:

VLCS said...

Others say that Linnaeus, who named the genus in 1750, simply adapted an Arabic word for banana, mauz. The word banana itself might have come from the Arabic banan, which means "finger"forgetting psicologia forense las rozas