Monday, February 4, 2013

Wage Discrimination Lawsuit—Men Earn 250,000 yen, Women Get 180,000 yen for Same Job

A woman who worked at a subsidiary of Maruei Concrete Industry Co. Aichi plant has devoted 19 years of her life for the company but never reached the 180,000-yen monthly salary that men received. The company admitted that she handled the same skillful jobs as her male colleagues and that it discriminated against her because of her gender. At the factory, skilled male workers get about 250,000 yen, and it was clear that the company discriminated against female workers. Another woman who graduated from a junior college was told that she would start at a salary level for high-school graduates but would soon catch up at the time of hiring. However, the company failed to meet the promise. She was only getting 172,000 yen after nine years of work. Workers at other factories receive more than 200,000 yen for basic salary. (By Aichi Rentai Union) Photo=Appeal from the wage discrimination lawsuit plaintiff at Anti-Poverty Caravan in 2012 fall.

栄創造株式会社(丸栄コンクリートグループ)愛知工場で働いていたR子さんは19年間、男性に負けないであらゆる仕事をしてきましたが、基本給は月額18 万円に届きませんでした。会社は、R子さんが男性技能定型職と変らない仕事をしてきたことを認め、女性であることを理由に技能補助職として差別してきたこ とを認めました。愛知工場の男性技能定型職は25万円前後の賃金をもらっており、女性差別は明らかです。また、短大卒のT代さんには、入社時に「高卒初任 給でスタートだが、直ぐに年令給に追いつく」と言われましたが、約束は守られず、9年間勤めても賃金は172000円止まりでした。他工場の事務職の基 本給は20万円を超えています。(愛知連帯ユニオン) 

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