Monday, February 27, 2017

It doesn’t mean that we have been annihilated from history!

Although Deputy Prime Minister ASO Taro acknowledged at the budget committee meeting that it was a mistake to have segmented and privatized the Japanese National Railways, we strongly demand that the Liberal Democratic Party apologize to our Kokuro (National Railway Workers’ Union) members whose lives were ruined or who got killed in the process of such a reckless privatization and segmentation of the JNR.
 More than 30 years ago, the Kokuro, to which I belonged, went through a hard struggle, protesting against privatization and segmentation. LDP and Japan Railway Co. pushed through segmentation and privatization of JNR by doing their utmost to undermine Kokuro through destructive attacks on the union with total disregard for law and reason and demobilizing the protest movements.
 In this process, more than 7,000 workers were denied employment by the newly privatized companies, and eventually 1,047 workers were dismissed.  Most of them were members of Kokuro and Zendoro (National Railway Locomotive Engineers’ Union) who opposed the privatization. Since then those unduly dismissed workers and their families have had to continue fighting for their reinstatement. (KUGE Itaru, ex-Kokuro member)
 Photo: Kuge at the time of privatization of the JNR, second from right


政権と国鉄当局は、 法と道理を無視したあらん限りの組織攻撃によって国労を弱体
名を超す労働 者が新会社への採用を拒否され、最終的に1047名の労働者が解雇
た。そし て、不当解雇された1047名とその家族は、その後20年にわたる解雇

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